De Baak is dedicated to the human side of enterprise
We help people and organizations become their most effective selves. We help them reach their full potential. We explore with them and enable them to reveal the depth and richness of their talents and possibilities. Individuals can become the agent of change, growth and innovation in the organization through learning. This results in a stronger and more resilient organization that can contribute to healthy societies.
Building learning partnerships with our clients
We are committed to building ever-evolving learning partnerships with clients. Knowledge is dynamic and grows within healthy organizations. As your learning partner, we ensure that the knowledge in your organization grows. This keeps us strong as well. We regularly redesign our programs following changes in the market and society. We introduce new learning methods and innovative technologies to help you meet new challenges.
Just thinking won’t change anything
Our trainers realise that results must be stimulated, nurtured and cultivated. Giving and receiving feedback is crucial as well. Questions from individuals, spontaneous inquiries, pursued with curiosity and vigour, lead to optimal results. Tailor made training programmes have the greatest impact. De Baak often ‘seconds’ trainers in companies for this reason. Examples of embedded instruction are action-learning projects, internal mentoring and coaching.
Learning at De Baak: more than just soft skills …
It is important for your organization to respect and value the individual characteristics of your people. The world is too complex for standard solutions. Therefore you need personal leadership. We believe that job enjoyment increases productivity. We believe that freedom ánd responsibility empowers people. And we believe in people’s natural curiosity and positive spirit to succeed. Therefore we focus on the mind, heart and hands. We encourage creativity and reflection, vitality and connection, innovation and research. We focus on personal development and effectiveness of our participants. Only when people can grow, the organization can grow.
… more than anything you have ever experienced
Learning at de Baak means going beyond known facts, formulas and methods to encourage change. You learn to clear your mind and gather new thoughts. You learn to develop new connections: between alpha en beta, knowledge and understanding, your left and right hemisphere, intuition and science, people and organizations and between different cultures. Your own work situation is always the starting point for learning at De Baak.
Learning is a personal adventure
People like to learn by experimenting, by pushing limits and challenging perceptions. Learning is a personal adventure that helps to understand things more clearly; it leads to progress and innovation. We dare people to try to see themselves as others see them. It’s our aim to challenge you: to be open, to acknowledge differences and to integrate these differences into your personal ánd professional life.
“At De Baak you keep an open mind, you stay engaged and relevant. You learn to understand how you, as a leader, can help people flourish. What are my team members’ and employees’ motivations? What are their needs? How can I help them to develop their talents?” - Participant Leadership Program